General Information

QC’s Building Services has been involved in the Building and Pest Inspection Industry since the late 1990’s.   Within that time we have carried out thousands of inspections on many different types of residential properties.  The experiences we have built up over the years has enabled us to develop a very good understanding and knowledge of key important factors that affect purchasors of residential structures.
The information within the bullet points shown to the side of this webpage are of significant importance to residential structures, the building materials within them and also contain some very good information and recommendations on what a property owner can proactively do for the general maintenence of a property and what a property purchaser can do during the process of a residential property acquisition.
We provide this information to you based on our industry experiences and in order to try and assist our clients during the process of buying and selling properties.  For litigious necessity, we must advise you that under no circumstances are you to act on the information, or rely on it, for any area that the consultant may comment on where the consultant does not hold a license if required by state statutory law e.g. building certification matters, plumbing/electrical matters, drainage matters, or  for any matter that does not come under his deemed to be “area of expertise” e.g. swimming pools and associated equipment, health and safety matters etc.
We offer no liability, or guarantee of accuracy for comments made in these areas, (where the consultant is not licensed or not deemed to be in his area of expertise) and in all cases you must seek the immediate advice of a suitably qualified and, if necessary, appropriately licensed contractor, for advice that you indeed can rely on. Please contact our office should you require any further clarification on this.


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Brisbane Pest Inspection